Site survey for project “VISTA” at Visser Duiven
For the VISTA project, the ICR3ATE team visited Visser Duiven.
on Thursday 16 January 2020.
Visser Duiven distributes parcels and pallets throughout the Netherlands. They have a logistics distribution centre in Duiven with a total of 105 loading and unloading docks. As with any distribution company, at Visser Duiven they are also faced with the bottleneck of damage during the docking of the trucks. That is why they are happy to participate in this innovation project.
In the first work package, situations at scale were simulated in the lab. In the next work package that we now start, it is time to go into the ‘real world’; ICR3ATE will play a prominent role in this. ICR3ATE will co-create the design and bring the sensors from the lab to the practice of the distribution centre. We will use cameras, LIDAR and radar. The cameras and sensors will be controlled by the software that Track32 will make. With this we detect in “Real Time” the location of the trucks.

Experiment with LIDAR
This site survey has given us a first impression of the terrain where we will be working. It has given us a feeling about what is possible and what is allowed. During the site survey the daily business at the distribution centre was discussed. And together with Track32 and HAN, we were allowed to take a look inside the distribution centre and outside on the terrain near the docks. This gave us a good picture where we can attach the cameras so that they can collect the right data.

Interior Distribution Center

Interior Distribution Center
The data we collect will be used later in the project to develop the drivers assistance during docking.

Project VISTA Deployment diagram
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